Advanced Excel using Programming with VBA Training
About the Program
This training program on VBA Programming for Excel 2013 and above is designed to give experienced Excel users proficiency in creating procedures, running-in response to specific events, working with control structures, developing user forms to accept or display data, validating the data entry in user forms, debugging and handling errors in code. Learning through a series of practical simulations, participants will be advantaged to gaining more insight on how they can actualize the use of these tools, and also receive a manuals describing all the techniques learned.
Objectives of the Program
- Protect a workbook and save with a backup. Enhance customer satisfactions.
- Work with variables and understand data types.
- Understand objects, properties, methods, and events.
- Explore the Excel object hierarchy and use the Object Browser.
- Work with control-of-flow structures.
- Use intrinsic functions.
- Create sub and function procedures.
- Design User Forms and work with controls.
- Control PivotTables programmatically.
- Use debugging tools.
- Add error handling to code.
Target Audience
This training program is ideal for Advanced Microsoft Excel professionals who need to automate Excel spreadsheet tasks using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and Big Data enthusiast.
Training Period
- Classroom: 5 Days
- Online: 7 Days
Module 1: Getting Started.
- Introducing visual basic for applications.
- Displaying the developer tab in the ribbon.
- Recording a macro.
- Saving a macro-enabled workbook.
- Running a macro.
- Editing a macro in the visual basic editor.
- Understanding the development environment.
- Using visual basic help.
- Closing the visual basic editor.
- Understanding macro security.
Module 2: Working with Procedures and Functions.
- Understanding modules.
- Creating a standard module.
- Understanding procedures.
- Creating a sub procedure.
- Calling procedures.
- Using the immediate window to call procedures.
- Creating a function procedure.
- Naming procedures.
- Working with the code editor.
Module 3: Understanding Objects.
- Understanding objects.
- Navigating the excel object hierarchy.
- Understanding collections.
- Using the object browser.
- Working with properties.
- Using the with statement.
- Working with methods.
- Creating an event procedure.
Module 4: Using Expressions, Variables, and Intrinsic
- Understanding expressions and statements.
- Declaring variables.
- Understanding data types.
- Working with variable scope.
- Using intrinsic functions.
- Understanding constants.
- Utilize intrinsic constants.
- Ply message boxes.
- Using input boxes.
- Declaring and using object variables.
Module 6: Working with Forms and Controls.
- Understanding user forms.
- Using the toolbox.
- Working with user form properties, events, and methods.
- Understanding controls.
- Setting control properties in the properties window.
- Working with the label control, text box control, command button control, combo box control.
- Working with the frame control.
- Working with option button controls.
- Working with control appearance.
- Setting the tab order.
- Populating a control.
- Adding code to controls.
- Launching a form in code.
Module 7: Working with the Pivot Table Object.
- Understanding pivot tables.
- Creating a pivot table using worksheet data.
- Working with the pivot table objects.
- Working with the pivot fields collection.
- Assigning a macro to the quick access toolbar.
Module 8: Debugging Code.
- Understanding errors.
- Ply debugging tools.
- Setting breakpoints.
- Stepping through code.
- Using break mode during run mode.
- Determining the value of expressions.
Module 9: Handling Errors.
- Understanding error handling.
- Understanding VBA’s error trapping options.
- Trapping errors with the on-error statement.
- Understanding the err object.
- Writing an error-handling routine.
- Working with inline error handling
Delivery Method
This program is taught through a mix of practical activities, theory, group work and case studies. Training manuals and additional reference materials are provided to the participants.
Upon successful completion of the training, participants will be awarded a certificate of course completion
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